Raw Chocolate Fudge!

Put all ingredients into a bowl and mash together. If you want you can also form it into the size of snickers bars and freeze it in the freezer. Then you can have raw chocolate bars. Pretty sweet. This is one of my favorite things to make, it's so good for you and tastes amazing!

1 TBS Cacao Butter
Pinch of Sea Salt
1 Big Spoonful Cacao Nibs
1 Big Spoonful Cacao Powder
1 Small Spoonful Hemp Seed Powder
1 Small Spoonful Carob Powder
10-20 Raw Natures First Law Peanuts or any raw nuts
1 Small Spoonful Ground Flax Seeds
Small Handful of Goji Berries
1 Big Spoonful Dried Coconut Flakes

Cashew Butter (Spoonful)
Almond Butter (Spoonful)
Coconut Butter/Oil (Spoonful)
1TBS Agave
Spoonful Honey